Forest City Teague Trail Trot 2025

In Memory and Honor of Donny Teague 

Organized by the Greater Forest City Business Alliance

The Greater Forest City Business Alliance is excited to announce our FOURTH annual 5K and Community Walk to be held on Saturday, May 10, 2025, on the D & H Trail!  The 5K race start is scheduled for 10 am with a 1 mile “Community Fun Walk” to follow immediately thereafter.  

In January 2022, Forest City lost a longtime resident and “running icon”, Donny Teague at the age of 91. For all who knew Don, he was “always running”.    He was known and will be remembered for his true love of the sport, boundless energy and his colorful and attention- grabbing outfits when hitting the pavement.  He was also a faithful supporter, advocate, and statistician for the Forest City Regional Cross Country Team, for more than 20 years.  He was committed to the success of those student athletes and made sure each team member had the support they needed to cross the finish line.  He was out on the course until they were in.  We are honored to recognize and remember Don with this event.   

In line with Donny’s joy of running in, around and through Forest City, funds raised from this race continue to be earmarked to support projects connecting local commerce to our region’s outdoor experience.  Specifically, in 2025, the GFCBA intends to support the following initiatives: 

  • Funding to purchase decorative lights for the holidays for the light poles on Forest City’s Main Street.  This includes the electrical “prep” work for the project.  
  • Investment to promote our professional seasonal videos, which the GFCBA created to promote all the Greater Forest City Region has to offer.
  • Expansion of the Trail Town Festival – the public has expressed a desire for an “Old Home Week” return and the GFCBA is committed to working with local organizations to grow the activities of the Trail Town Festival.  

We would like to make all our members and supporters aware that the Forest City Teague Trail Trot will be the ONLY sponsorship opportunity through the GFCBA this year.  So, please consider supporting THIS event! 

You can find a sponsorship form and the marketing benefits here.  There are a variety of ways to support the event, beyond monetary donations. We hope that you will consider supporting Forest City and this race! Please return your sponsorship by April 30th to guarantee inclusion on our promotional media!


Suzanne Atcavage

GFCBA Vice President 

Race Director



Assurance Home Watch

With estimates of over ten million second and vacation homes in the U.S. and Canada, the Home Watch industry provides a risk mitigation service that not many second homeowners outside of the Sun Belt states may be aware of. Home Watch is defined as “a visual inspection of a home or property, looking for obvious issues.” National Home Watch Association Executive Director Jack Luber says, “Because the Home Watch industry is not recognized by any government entity in the U.S. or Canada, the National Home Watch Association (NHWA) accredits those legitimate businesses that carry the proper business credentials and insurance coverage to protect their clients. All members pass a criminal background check and are vetted for consumer complaints. “Trillions of dollars’ worth of real estate goes unchecked for months at a time, leaving homes and properties vulnerable to undiscovered issues, such as water damage, mold, and even squatters,” according to Luber.

This past year, The New York TimesThe Boston Globe, and hundreds of other publications recognized the importance and necessity of Snowbirds, seasonal residents, and frequent travelers to engage a qualified company to advocate for them during their absence. The purpose of National Home Watch Month is to educate homeowners and the general public about the existence of and need for Home Watch services.

Please visit the National Home Watch Association website at for more information.