On behalf of the GFCBA I am reaching out to you regarding Board and volunteer positions within our organization. Over the past several years, the GFCBA has seen tremendous growth and has maintained a dedicated membership of around 100 members. We have appreciated the support and faith that our members have placed with us and are always looking for new ideas and ways we can do “more”. As we seek to expand, we recognize that we need more like-minded individuals to assist us with vision, planning and execution.

The GFCBA is committed to the following established projects for our business community:
● Professional maintenance of a website that promotes our membership and community
● Professionally managed social media promoting our membership and community
● Promotion of our area via “seasonal videos” – a project completed due to funding received from the Endless Mountains Visitor’s Bureau Room Tax Grant
● A promotional brochure highlighting the Greater Forest City Area and our membership
● The Teague Trail Trot 5K – a race held at the Forest City Trailhead each year to raise funds for projects dedicated to promoting our area

The GFCBA is seeking to expand or initiate the following projects:
● Expansion of the “Trail Town Festival” – feedback from the community and membership has suggested a desire to establish an event with an “Old Home Week” vibe.
● Seasonal events – We are looking for ways to support our area businesses with seasonal promotions and events.
● Non-seasonal promotions and events – We are looking for fresh ideas and ways to promote our community and members throughout the year.

The GFCBA operates with a dedicated board of 9 individuals. Currently, we have one position open and will have an additional 2 open at the end of this year. A board position may not be something you’re interested in, but perhaps a committee position? The events and projects listed above require work – but when more people are involved, it’s lighter! The person helping us does not need to be “you”… perhaps someone within your organization who has a specific skill set could join us as a representative for you! Also, we would very much appreciate volunteer assistance. Specifically, our membership and events committees could use the most support. If you have a special skill or interest, we can easily find something that fits!

We hope you will consider supporting and helping the GFCBA. Please reach out at gfcba13@gmail.com or contact any of our board members.

Suzanne Atcavage
GFCBA Vice President

Forest City Outdoor Town Action Team Receives Regional Award

Pictured are: Juliann Doyle and Deb McNamara members of the Forest City Outdoor Action Team and Christine Martin, President PPL Electric presenting the award. Members of the committee unable to attend: Dr. Katie Zefran, Chair, Erin Debish and Susie Atcavage.

Wilkes-Barre – On Thursday, October 17, 2024, the 34th Annual Evening for Northeast Pennsylvania’s Environment was held at the Woodlands Resort, Wilkes Barre. A Welcome was provided by Joseph Buczynski, Regional Director of the Northeast Office PA Department of Environmental Protection.

Open Remarks were given by Thomas Gilbert, President of the PA Environmental Council and special commentary was provided by Dr. Claire Jantz, Deputy Secretary of Conservation and Technical Services of the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. The Master of Ceremonies was James (Jim) Hamill, Senior PTN Correspondent and Public Relations for the Pocono Mountains Visitors Bureau.
The Forest City Outdoor Town Action Team (FCOTAT) was nominated for an Environmental Partnership Award by the Rails to Trails Council, Lynn Conrad. Awards are presented for achieving excellence in environmental protection or conservation in Northeast PA. and the recipients must have demonstrated the quality of involving and working successfully with others in pursuit of their accomplishments. Awards were also received by the Anthracite Bicycle Coalition, Deborah Pike, and the Dallas Intermediate School “Turtle Titans,” Lacawac Sanctuary’s Pocono Lake Ecological Observatory Network, Lackawanna Luzerne County Master Watershed Stewards, and Susquehanna Brewing Company. Also awarded was the 2024 Emerging Leader Award to Michelena DeNaples and the 30th annual Thomas P. Shelburne Environmental Leadership Award to Grant Genzlinger.

The FCOTAT’s mission is to connect the local community and tourists to Forest City’s businesses by promoting the local natural resources and the “Mile of Hospitality” Forest City has to offer. The first endeavor is the creation of a sculpture trail celebrating and preserving the rich history of the area. In addition, a bicycle repair station was seen as a necessity and the FCOTAT and Kost Tire worked together on this endeavor. A welcome arch was created by students from Forest City Regional for the trailhead. A resurfacing of the road leading from the trail to main street is in phase II which includes striping for a bike lane.

The next meeting of the FCOTAT is set for Thursday, November 7, 2024, beginning at 6 PM at the Forest City Borough Building, second floor, Main Street, Forest City.

Forest City’s annual Trail Town Festival weekend is here! Forest City Borough and their Parks and Recreation Committee and the Greater Forest City Business Alliance have been working diligently to prepare for this year’s events!

The town will be busy all weekend, with a little bit of something for everyone! The Forest City Lions Club Golf Tournament will be held on Friday, August 2, at Panorama Golf Course. Shot gun start is at 9:00 AM. Cost is $500 for a four-player team. Anyone interested may contact Dave at 570-510-3857 to register and for more information.

Friday evening kicks off with Fireworks at Kennedy Park at dark. Many thanks are in order to NEP Telephone for sponsorship of the event. It will most certainly be enjoyed throughout the community.

Saturday evening, August 3rd will be busy. The annual “Distinguished Citizen” Award will be announced at the Forest City Historical Society at 4 pm. This is the 41st year of the award and it is sponsored by the Forest City News. The FCHS will also be hosting Russ Rentler, a folk musician, at 7 pm on Saturday evening.

Forest City’s downtown will be busy Saturday evening beginning and 5 pm and concluding with the Annual Light Parade! Laura Wielebinski, GFCBA Board member, has coordinated this year’s event. To enhance the festive atmosphere, DJ Sosa will liven Main Street with music from 5-9 pm. Many thanks to the Twist -n – Shake for their sponsorship of this entertainment. Guy Miller, a solo artist will be on hand to entertain from 6-8 pm and is sponsored by the GFCBA.

We are excited for the vendors and food options on Main Street this year. Their presence will span several blocks, beginning on the 400 block and extending up through the 600 block of Main Street. Our vendor list to this point includes: Lou’s Concession, Ray’s Porketta, Roxanne Paints, Christ Episcopal Church (food), 3 Sisters Artistry, Boxer Rocks, Karen’s Krafts, DJ Dennis, GFCBA Wheel and Instant Bingo, Ascension Parish Basket Raffle, Forest City Educational Association, Charmlies, Lacka Lemonade Co., Lucky Buddy Clovers 4-H, Scentsy Christina Ranallo, Viv’s Latin Cuisine, Guy Miller Music, Jorgie B’s Pizza, Forest City Historical Society (food), Moxie and Mint, Susquehanna County Interfaith, Jurassic Raptor, Jo Jo the Clown and Hayley Christison Hair Braiding.

Finally, the evening will end with the always anticipated Light Parade. There are approximately 25 registered participants. Many thanks to Pioneer Construction for their donation of traffic control signage at each end of town the Forest City Police Department and Department of Public Works for their assistance with traffic and safety.

Vendors and floats will be accepted until the day of the event and may contact Laura at 570-280-5489 for an application or more information.

The weekend finishes on Sunday, with a Chicken BBQ to support the Forest City Parks and Recreation Fund, at Kennedy Park. The barbecue runs consecutively with a fishing derby for the youth. Tickets must be purchased in advance by contacting the Forest City Borough. Your support of a committee that works diligently for our community is appreciated!

We hope you will plan to enjoy our local activities and all that our small town has to offer!



The Third Annual “Forest City Teague Trail Trot 5K and 1-Mile Community Walk” will be held this Saturday, May 11, 2024, on the D & H Trail! The event begins and ends at the Forest City Trailhead, on Commerce Boulevard. The 5K race start is scheduled for 10 am with a 1 mile “Community Fun Walk” to follow immediately thereafter.
The GFCBA is continuously striving to identify ways to promote local commerce, support our community and collaborate with other entities to enhance and highlight all that we are and can be. Funds from the Teague Trot are dedicated to this vision.
Specifically, in 2024, the GFCBA intends to support the continued development of a “sculpture trail” leading from the D & H Trail to Forest City’s downtown. The first sculpture is complete and located at the Forest City Trailhead, marking Wi-Fi at that location. The second sculpture, in the planning stages and managed by the Forest City Outdoor Town Action Team, is anticipated in 2024 and will be placed at the Erie Street Trailhead, with a historical theme planned. Further pieces shall “move up” into and through Forest City, with the complete project planned for 5 to 6 sculptures in total.
The GFCBA’s marketing committee, led by board member Tim Madden, has overseen a more than year-long project for the Greater Forest City Region – a seasonal video highlighting all that our area has to offer. The video creation was supported via funding awarded to the GFCBA by the Endless Mountains Visitors Bureau via the Room Tax Grant program, in 2022. The final video has an expected delivery at the end of this month and the GFCBA will invest in marketing this media to promote our trail town and all that we have to offer through the seasons. The project has relevance for community and commerce, not only within the city limits, but expanding to the “Greater” Forest City region. It will be an asset that can be used to touch markets well outside of our immediate area.
The 5K race is a chipped and timed race, assisted by Finish Strong Race Timing, LLC. Awards for the 5K will be presented for several age groups, male and female categories. Top Male and Top Female Finisher Awards will also be presented. One-mile walkers will not be chipped or timed, but 1st, 2nd and 3 rd place medals will be awarded in order across the finish line.
Race fees for the 5K are $30 per registrant and $15 for 1-Mile walkers. Race discounts are available for any organization pre-registering with 5 or more registrants – email gfcba13@gmail.com to request a coupon code. Commemorative race t-shirts and race bags will be given to both 5K participants and 1-Mile walkers on a first come, first served basis. Online registration is open until 5 pm on Thursday, May 9, 2024. To register, go to visitforestcitypa.com and click the link to the race website. Day of event registration is available and is open between 8:30 and 9:45 am.
For more information regarding this year’s Teague Trail Trot or if you’re a business wishing to include promotional items in our race bags, please reach out to the GFCBA at gfcba13@gmail.com prior to Friday, May 10. We hope to see the Forest City commUNITY on the trail on Saturday morning!

The Greater Forest City Business Alliance is excited to announce the Second Annual “Forest City Teague Trail Trot 5K and Community Walk” to be held on Saturday, May 11, 2024, on the D & H Trail! Race location is at the trailhead, located in Forest City, on Commerce Boulevard. The 5K race start is scheduled for 10 am with a 1 mile “Community Fun Walk” to follow immediately thereafter.

In January 2022, Forest City lost a longtime resident and “running icon”, Donny Teague at the age of 91. For all who knew Don, he was “always running”. He was known and will be remembered for his true love of the sport, boundless energy and his colorful and attention-grabbing outfits when hitting the pavement. He was also a faithful supporter, advocate, and statistician for the Forest City Regional Cross-Country Team, for more than 20 years. He was committed to the success of those student athletes and made sure each team member had the support they needed to cross the finish line. He was out on the course until they were in. The GFCBA is honored to continue to recognize Don with this event.

In line with Donny’s joy of running in, around and through Forest City, funds raised from this race continue to be earmarked to support projects connecting local commerce to our region’s outdoor experience. Specifically, in 2024, the GFCBA intends to support the continued
development of a “sculpture trail” leading from the D & H Trail to Forest City’s downtown. Our marketing committee has overseen a wonderful project for the Greater Forest City Region – a seasonal video highlighting all that our area has to offer. Once released this year, the GFCBA will invest in marketing this media. Additional plans developing or ongoing within our community include a façade program, a mural program, renovation of Center Street Park, streetscape planning and the placement of bike racks within the town. There are so many things the Greater Forest City community is accomplishing and the GFCBA is pleased to offer collaboration and support.

The 5K race is a chipped and timed race, assisted by Finish Strong Race Timing, LLC. Awards for the 5K will be presented for several age groups, male and female categories. Top Male and Top Female Finisher Awards will also be presented. One-mile walkers will not be chipped or timed, but 1st, 2nd and 3rd will be awarded in order across the finish line.

Race fees for the 5K are $25 until April 30th and then increase to $30 through race day. Fees for the community walk are $12.50 until April 30th and then increase to $15 through race day. All participants registered by May 1st, 2024 can choose their commemorative race t-shirt size and will receive them on race day. A limited number of t-shirts will be available at the event. This year, race bags will also be provided to all participants, donated by Comprehensive Physical Therapy.

In addition to race participants, we are also seeking sponsors and donors to add to this event’s success. We are asking local businesses to support our mission through sponsorships, donations, and other items needed for race day. Both race registrations and monetary donations/sponsorships can be completed at VisitForestCityPA.com. Click on the link for the Forest City Teague Trot to lead you to our secure race website. For our race bags, if any Forest City Business has promotional items they would like to place in the bags, we would love to include them for you – they are a great way to get your business materials into the hands of the public. For more information regarding donations or volunteering during the event, please reach out via email to gfcba13@gmail.com.

We hope to see the Forest City commUNITY on the trail on May 11th!

CPT Forest City Occupational Therapy Services & Emily Chee OTR/L, CLT
Comprehensive Physical Therapy is pleased to welcome a new provider, Emily Chee, OTR/L, CLT, and announce the addition of occupational therapy services to the Forest City location.
Since 1997, CPT Forest City has provided physical therapy services to the Forest City community. Over time, four CPT locations – Carbondale, Dunmore, Hawley and Honesdale – have added occupational therapy to complement physical therapy services. The addition of occupational therapy supports a long term goal of CPT, to offer both service realms at all locations.
Ms. Chee will be providing occupational therapy care in our Forest City and Carbondale locations. She is a 2022 and 2023 graduate of Misericordia University, where she received her Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences and then her Master of Science in Occupational Therapy, with a specialization in pediatrics. Ms. Chee has earned her designation as a “certified lymphedema therapist” after completing her training through the Norton School of Lymphatic Therapy – the leader in lymphedema care and education.
Occupational therapists are actively involved in the care for both orthopedic and neurological conditions. The profession is known for working to help clients get back to their “occupation of living”. Occupational therapists within CPT also bring a set of specialty areas to the practice.
All occupational therapy providers within CPT are certified to provide lymphatic treatment, more specifically recognized as “complete decongestive therapy”. Lymphedema is an abnormal accumulation of protein-rich fluid caused by malformation or malfunction of the lymphatic system. It often affects an arm or leg, but can occur in the face, neck, abdomen, or genitals. Following the complete decongestive therapy approach, CPT’s lymphedema program offers total care to the patient with lymphedema. Treatments are rendered in 1 hour sessions, 2-4 times a week for 4-8 weeks. Length of treatment is typically dependent on the severity of the lymphedema. Conditions that often benefit from this treatment include post mastectomy, chronic venous insufficiency, peripheral vascular disease, deep vein thrombosis and various traumas.
We are also pleased to share that Ms. Chee has a strong focus to work with the pediatric population. Therapists who work within the specialty of pediatric rehabilitation utilize a distinct knowledge base of development and play-based therapy. Children are not “small versions of adults”, and rehabilitation approaches must recognize and consider typical and atypical development. Through a play-based approach, our pediatric therapists address a child’s unique development, focusing on developmental milestones. Treatment can begin in the infancy stage and progressively address each stage of development.
Occupational therapy services will be available beginning the week of April 8, 2024. A physician referral is required. For more information, please contact the office directly at 570-785-2018 or visit our website at www.cptrehab.net and visit our “lymphedema care” or “pediatrics” tab under “services”. There is also an option through the website with a chat feature to request a team member to contact you directly.
The CPT Family is excited about this progression for our services and are committed to continuing to serve the Forest City community.
📸Submitted by @Comprehensive Physical Therapy, Inc.

The Greater Forest City Business Alliance is pleased to announce their Board of Directors and Officers for 2024. Juliann Doyle will serve as President and also holds positions as President of the Browndale Fire Company, Secretary of the Forest City Area Historical Society and Junior Warden at Christ Episcopal Church; Suzanne Atcavage, will serve as Vice President, leads the Grant Committee and is the co-owner and Vice President of Comprehensive Physical Therapy; serving as Secretary is Katie Cicilioni, owner of Frugal Living and President of Mountain View Garden Club; serving as Treasurer is Karen Obelenus, a retired SCI employee and member of the Browndale Fire Company; Pastor Tim Madden of Cornerstone Bible Church, leads the Marketing Committee; Membership and Fundraising Committee is lead by, Michelle LaPenta, M&M Auto; Duffy Samuel, The Samuel Company and Cables General Store; Daniel Frederici, Brace Brook Home
Inspections, LLC; and Laura Wielebinski, Point W Real Estate.

The mission of the GFCBA is to unite local businesses, organizations, and individuals to promote the economy, assist in economic development and foster a positive community environment. The GFCBA is committed to conducting its interactions in a respectful and ethical manner that upholds the values of our community. The organization works to represent the interests of its membership
in a manner that fosters respect, credibility and strategic importance for the businesses within the Greater Forest City area. Collaboration with local organizations to support the betterment of the Greater Forest City community is highly regarded.

The GFCBA ended 2023 with nearly 120 members and continues to look toward growth in 2024. The organization supports their members via projects including a promotional brochure – this year to be updated with a QR code to maintain updated information for all members; The GFCBA continues to work with Golden Owl Consulting to professionally manage our website and social media pages which provide avenues for member promotion and support. Finally, 2023 was a “construction” year for a professionally developed seasonal video of the Greater Forest City Area, which will be released this spring. Phase 2 of the video project is dedicated to investing in it as a marketing tool to promote our region and inherently support our membership.

In 2024, our 3 rd Annual Forest City Teague Trail Trot is scheduled for Saturday, May 11. Our first BINGO this past fall wall was well received and the GFCBA is planning two this year – one in later spring and one mid fall, with dates and locations to be determined. The GFCBA earmarks the funding from these events to support community projects that support commerce and the betterment of the
Greater Forest City area. We invite the community to visit our website at www.VisitForestCityPA.com and follow us on Facebook at @GFCBANEPA. With our 2024 membership drive winding down, businesses of the area are encouraged to reach out for membership by contacting the GFCBA at: Greater Forest City Business Alliance – P.O. Box 155 – Forest City, PA 18421; email gfcba13@gmail.com.

(SUSQUEHANNA COUNTY, PA) — Forest City Borough’s Outdoor Town Action Team and the Rail-Trail Council of Northeastern Pennsylvania are proud to unveil two new additions to the D&H Rail-Trail Forest City Trailhead. We invite trail users and the Greater Forest City community to celebrate the unveiling of the first trail sculpture on the trail and an interpretive sign about coal mining and the railroads.

The unveilings will occur on Saturday, December 9, at 1 PM at the Forest City Trailhead. The event will feature the unveiling and the background behind each structure. Those instrumental in the funding, design, fabrication, and installation of the structures will be acknowledged.

The trail sculpture was funded in part by the Endless Mountains Heritage Region through Forest City’s Borough’s Outdoor Town Action Team. The FCOTAT plans to continue trail sculptures along the D&H leading up to Main Street. Artist Scott Nichols designed the sculpture to bring attention to the free Wi-Fi on the Forest City Trailhead.

The Rail-Trail Council through the Overlook Foundation and Endless Mountains Heritage Region has funded many of its historical interpretive signs. The Forest City sign highlights the influence coal mining and the railroads had on the growth of the Forest City area. The Forest City Area Historical Society and the Carbondale Historical Society both contributed to the content.

Each unveiling will feature some key person comments:
Chris Glinton – Mayor Forest City Borough
Cain Chamberlin – Executive Director, Endless Mountains Heritage Region
Christine Dettore – Northeast Regional Advisor, DNCR Bureau of Recreation and Conservation
Erin Debish and Deb McNamara – Forest City Outdoor Action Team
Suzanne Atcavage – President Greater Forest City Business Alliance
John Kameen — Forest City Area Historical Society
Lynn Conrad — Executive Director Rail-Trail Council of NEPA

Warm beverages will be available. If the weather is favorable, you are welcome to explore the D&H Rail-Trail by foot or bike. The trailhead is located off State Route 247 along Commerce Boulevard, Forest City 18421.

For more information, call 570.679.9300, or email nepatrails@gmail.com or visit neparailtrails.org

Browndale Fire Company is promoting winter preparedness and encouraging their residents to take action to prepare for winter weather. The fire company is committed to supporting winter preparedness. Winter storms can occur anywhere and bring freezing rain, ice, snow, high winds, or a combination of all these conditions. Winter weather can knock out heat, power, and communications services to your home or office, sometimes for days at a time. Heavy snowfall and extreme cold can immobilize an entire region. Being prepared for winter weather can decrease your risk.

Our entire Community can act against the upcoming winter weather this season by:
• Winterizing your Emergency Supply Kit.
• Planning how to communicate with family and friends with an Emergency Communication
• And knowing how to receive important weather information and updates, including signing-
up for regional weather alerts.

Online Resources:
• Ready.gov
• Ready.gov Winter Weather
• Weather.gov
• Weather Terms
• CDC Winter Weather
• American Red Cross Winter Weather Resources
• Department of Health and Human Services Winter Weather Resources
• U.S. Fire Administration Severe Weather Fire Safety

If you must travel for work or another appointment, we suggest you be prepared. We wish everyone Happy and safe Holidays and a safe New Year. Thank you for supporting the Browndale Fire Company.


Thank you for being a part of the Greater Forest City Business Alliance and a Forest City Business owner.  Especially, in these times, we strive to make this town more of a destination.  We continue to develop a vibrant community atmosphere for people to visit, shop, and stop for a bite to eat.

As Autumn and Winter approach, we are hoping to decorate the town, particularly on Main Street, on Wednesday, October 25th from 4 pm – 7 pm we will be hosting a “Trunk or Treat” event, pumpkin painting, costume contest, and some good old-fashioned fun.  This event is planned to bring more people to patronize your businesses and organizations.  For this event, your business or group will have the opportunity to sponsor and carve a Jack O’Lantern.  The pumpkins, with your name prominently featured, will be displayed on the 500 block of Main Street.

Furthermore, in a two-for-one decorating opportunity, all proceeds from your pumpkin sponsorship will go towards the Holiday Light Fund.  Our current Main Street lights are in desperate need of replacement, so new ones are needed across our town to create an inviting atmosphere for the December Tree Lighting Ceremony.

In the upcoming holiday season, please help us to help you and our town draw more people to our local businesses.  Donations, no matter how small, are important and your donation of any amount will sponsor your pumpkin.


Paul Daugevelo, Main Street Coordinator
